Lighting Control System Installation

Audio Tec Designs installs lighting control systems near you in Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach County, and all of South Florida to improve the convenience of lighting your home or business. In conjunction with our home automation systems, we install and service lighting control products that can adjust the lights in your home with just the touch of a button, the swipe of a keypad, or according to learned behaviors.

Remote Lighting Control System Installation

Lighting control systems are designed to control the lights in a home or building and encompass anything from automatically turning the lights on when you walk into a room to gradually increasing the brightness or lighting in your bedroom as your alarm goes off in the morning. Control your home or business settings to adjust when lights go on and off, as well as their brightness levels.

With today’s advanced wireless technology and products, Audio Tec Designs can install a complete lighting system with little to no rewiring in new or existing homes or businesses.

Lighting Control Services

We offer the following types of products that incorporate lighting control features:

Our lighting control systems can be paired with complete home automation systems or incorporated into a dedicated home theater so that the appropriate direct and ambient light is available. Lighting controls can also be tied into security systems to improve safety and security in the home. For example, lights programmed to flash if a burglar alarm goes off will make it easier for police to locate the house. An exit path can be illuminated to guide people to safety when the fire alarm is triggered. Controlling the operation and brightness levels of lighting is one of the most common uses for technology within the home.

When to Use Lighting Control

Lighting control systems typically provide the ability to automatically adjust a lighting device’s output based on the following factors:

Benefits of Lighting Control

A lighting control system unlocks the limitless potential of your home, improving how it functions, feels, and looks. Your busy schedule doesn’t have to get in the way of keeping your home beautiful, day and night! Our team of experienced professionals can design, service, and install lighting control mechanisms and systems to decrease energy usage, improve safety, and add to the convenience and enjoyment you experience in your home.

Safe and Sound

As unusual as it may seem, a lighting control system can help secure your property and loved ones. To deter intruders, you can program different timed scenes that turn lights on and off throughout the day when you’re away from home. You can also use motion sensor lights that brighten up the exterior of your home when your car enters the driveway or when someone comes near your home. Not only is this a time-saving investment, but it can also increase the security of your property.

Wake Up

Your alarm goes off, but all you feel like doing is turning over and falling asleep again. Settle this feeling with the use of lighting control systems! Getting the whole family up and out of the comfort of bed in the mornings is much easier if their rooms are bright with task lighting. Set the lighting in bathrooms, the kitchen, and bedrooms to come on automatically at a certain time so you don’t have to wake up in the dark. This automation is also helpful when setting bedtimes for children; lights will turn themselves off, making bedtime an enforced habit!

Color on Command

Transform your home into the ultimate party scene, set the mood for a relaxing night indoors, or watch your plants flourish with a lighting control system. We react to lighting psychologically, affecting our alertness, concentration, and stress levels. Blue and white lights generate energetic feelings, while red lights increase melatonin levels. Additionally, lights in several different colors can add a breath of fresh air to your garden. Supercharge your herb, vegetable, and flower gardens with blue and red lights to encourage growth.

Hands-Free Illumination

Exterior lighting with motion sensors can be triggered when anyone steps on your property, lighting your driveway when you get home late or deterring criminals from entering. Interior motion sensor lights can be helpful when looking for a midnight snack or when forgetful family members leave multiple lights on. Voice commands can light the way when your arms are full of groceries or when you are cooking and cleaning. Both motion and voice-command lighting control systems will allow you to turn off any lights that aren’t in use, ultimately reducing energy costs.

Nothing adds to the beauty of your home more than the correct lighting in the proper setting: transform your bedroom into a place of peace and tranquility, keep your kitchen productive, functional, and clean, or turn your media room into a place of fantasy with the power of lighting. Set the scene for different events and amaze your guests with voice control automation.

Convenient & Effortless Control

It’s easier than ever to control a lighting system. Our lighting control systems are easily operated with a smart device, such as a wall panel, tablet, or smartphone, leaving you in charge of your home from any location. It’s easy to visualize your lighting control on the screen, and if you can’t remember if you turned off the kitchen lights, you can check your phone and flip the switch. Your mobile device will enable you to adjust the settings to alter your lights’ intensity and color throughout your home.

Take control to the next level and remove the least efficient piece of the equation: human intervention. Automate exterior lights to turn on as you enter the driveway, and the kitchen lights switch on to welcome you home. Customized lighting can create “living zones” in highly trafficked areas of the home to keep your dining room looking calm or your living room inviting.

Going Green

With our lighting products, you can be energy efficient and minimize your carbon footprint. The range of options on offer suits all lifestyles and needs, allowing you to have control of your home from anywhere. Dimmers, occupancy sensors, light control systems, and shading solutions are designed to reduce energy usage and enhance your home. You can create energy-efficient settings for your lighting system that provide enough light without being excessive or create combinations of lights can be adjusted together. Not only will you help save the planet, but you’ll save money too!

Increase the Value

At Audio Tec Designs, we offer lighting control to fit your daily tasks and home which also brings additional value. Adding lighting control will increase your home’s value as potential buyers also recognize the system’s benefits and advantages. Make an investment in your home that makes it more aesthetically pleasing and easy to operate. As more homebuyers seek smart home automation as a must-have on their checklist, a lighting control system will only become more popular and make your home more alluring, increasing the possibility of a sale.

Our team is dedicated to saving you time, energy, and money. With an efficient lighting system, you invest in your home and combine functionality, safety, and elegance into one package. At Audio Tec Designs, we promise that with your help, we can turn your house into a home.

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